Our sedentary lifestyles are causing too much compression in our spine, with a compromised posture, lower energy levels and slowing down our metabolism. Our body was born to move. It loves motion, but when we sit all day, it can cause more damage than physical activity. Research shows that the average person is sitting twelve hours per day, which is a shocking statistic. Tension accumulates in the neck and back causing pain and discomfort.

The Power Plate is extremely effective in providing relief from neck and back pain due to improved circulation. The leader in Vibration Technology, the Power Plate stimulates your natural reflexes which activates more muscles, improving the blood flow and oxygenation, decreasing blood pressure and reducing pain and swelling. The Power Plate moves 25 to 50 times per second and the vibrations are harmonic, which are safe, consistent and controlled levels of vibration, moving in three directions (up and down, forwards and backwards, side to side).