If your day is way too busy, and by evening you realize you have had no time to work out, becoming a morning workout person may be your only option. So how do you combat the desire to hit the snooze button in the morning and begin a workout routine that starts your day? We have some great tips for you, and before you know it, you will find that morning workouts are a breeze.


Every night when you get home from work, put your dirty gym clothes in the hamper and pack your next day’s gym outfit. Having to dig through your dresser drawers at 6 a.m. is no fun. It’s much easier to have an outfit ready to go, so you don’t have to spend time searching for shorts or a T-shirt when you’re still groggy.


Create a playlist full of energizing tunes that’s just long enough for you to get your gear together, eat a quick snack, and travel to your workout facility (if it’s not at home). By doing this, you will get pumped up for the workout. Plus, it will help you stay on track and move at the same pace every day.


Since working out on an empty stomach isn’t great for your metabolism or your energy levels, pre-make a workout smoothie the night before or grab a Performance Inspired Nutrition Bar in the mornings to eat on your way to the gym.


Put your alarm clock on the other side of the room. This will leave you no choice but to get out of bed and help you stay on track with becoming that morning workout person!


It takes the average person 21 days to develop a habit. Therefore, by your 21st day, your morning workouts will be far less of a struggle. Maybe they won’t even be a struggle at all!