It’s not easy to do a hard thing, day after day. To show up with a smile, go above and beyond and make a difference, but that’s exactly what essential workers across the country have done since March.  

That living life beyond limits mentality got the LifeToGo editorial staff thinking about some small ways we could show our gratitude to those who continue to do so much for the betterment of so many.  

With the new school year just around the corner, our thoughts turned to teachers and operational support staff who would soon be welcoming children back to school. So, we worked with our partners at Performance Inspired Nutrition, and donated more than 1.3 million face masks to schools across the country.  

More than 1.3 million students and teachers have received disposable 3-ply masks in Bentonville, Boise, Chicago, Cincinnati, Grand Rapids, Lakeland, Minneapolis, Portland, Quincy, Rochester, Salisbury, San Antonio, and Woonsocket. We hope this donation will keep teachers, staff and students healthy and focused on the school year ahead. 

We have also mounted gratitude billboards in 13 U.S. cities, thanking essential workers for their work and sacrifice. We truly couldn’t have come this far without their efforts. 

Essential workers, you continue to show us how to be beacons of light in challenging times, providing hope at every turn. Thank you.