This article originally appeared in MindBodyGreen.

You know your astrological sign, Enneagram type, and maybe even your dosha—but what about your gut type?

In my experience with nutritional therapy and health coaching, everyone has what I consider a distinct "gut type"—or your gut's default state of imbalance, which shows its true colors when you're stressed or internally out of whack.

That's because our microbiomes and mind are connected via the gut-brain axis. So when you are stressed out (mentally or physically), this sends signals to not only spike your cortisol (the stress hormone) but also sends inflammatory stress signals from your brain to your gut—kicking your default "gut type" into high gear.

The way I see it, your gut type is a reflection of whether or not your gut is working in tiptop shape. For example, if you have a "digestive gut," when your body is out of balance from lack of sleep or anxiety, your default mode is to turn toward digestive-related symptoms, such as bloating or constipation.