This article originally appeared in MindBodyGreen.

I don't know about you, but as we head into summer and our world opens up a bit more each day, I've had to keep my I want to do all the things urge in check. Can you relate? We've been through a lot. This past year and a half significantly altered how we live our lives, including how we spend money.

Perhaps the pandemic has been financially trying, or you found a new flow. Regardless of what the past 16 months have looked like for you, committing to some new intentions around money as you ease back into activities will serve you well—because the odds are high that what worked for you prepandemic might not do the trick now.  

These three simple actions can be used anytime you feel a shift coming on that will require you to adjust your budget. Your priorities will always adjust throughout life depending on where you are—that means your money plans need to flex with you. When you have a process to help you find your new money flow, you'll meet those life pivots with ease: